オルディー ordiy


Our slogan is “To be the company which creates excitement”.
The thoughts behind this slogan, is to create “excitement” in everything related to Ordiy. Do business partners get “excited” by being involved with Ordiy? Are customers “excited” by using Ordiy products? Are the employees who work at Ordiy always working with “excitement”? We not only create goods as a manufacturer, but also aim to create added value
which called “excitement”.


  1. 合同会社ぐらびて Gravite

  2. ヤマサキデザインワークス YAMASAKI

  3. 長谷川刃物 hasegawacutlery

  4. スガイワールド Sugai world

  5. アステージ Astage

  6. 株式会社サンカ SANKA
