マルヒロ Maruhiro

波佐見焼は生産工程ごとに会社が分かれる 「分業制」で作られていて、その中でマルヒロは、デザインした商品を各工程の職人さんへお願いする “プロデューサー”のような役割と、出来上がった商品を流通させる“商社”の役割をしています!

Maruhiro, which began as a street vendor in 1957, is a ceramics manufacturer without its own factory, specializing in planning tableware and interior accessories made from Nagasaki Prefecture’s traditional craft, “Hasami Ware (波佐見焼).”
Hasami Ware is produced through a “division of labor” system, in which different companies handle each stage of the production process. Within this system, Maruhiro plays the role of a “producer,” commissioning craftsmen at each stage to create the designed products, as well as the role of a “trading company” that distributes the finished products.
Beginning with clay and involving many people until a single product is completed, Hasami Ware has been passed down for more than 400 years. Maruhiro strives to be a company that continues this enjoyable local craft for generations to come.


  1. スケーター Skater

  2. デコレコーポレーション Decole

  3. スギタ Sugita

  4. 東屋 azumaya

  5. 我戸幹男商店 Gatomikio

  6. キッソオ KISSO
