新輝合成 shinkigosei

弊社は 昭和33年設立以来、プラスチックの可能性を生かした、
皆様に愛される製品作りを目指し 又 生活のあらゆる場面に貢献できる
創業当時 家庭用品においてプラスチックは「壊れない」「カラフル」「安価」な
しかしながら 時代と共にプラスチックの持つ役割は変化し、
今や家庭用品ばかりでなく 産業 工業 医療の現場で欠くことのできない

Since our company was established in 1958, we have been making the best use of the possibilities of plastic.
We aim to create products that are loved by everyone and that can contribute to all aspects of life.
We have been making efforts to develop and manufacture products that can contribute to all aspects of life.
When the company was founded, plastic was a dream material for household products that was unbreakable, colourful and inexpensive.
It was a dream material that foretold a bright future.
However, the role of plastics has changed with the times.
Nowadays, it is used in household products and has become an indispensable material in industry and healthcare.
It has grown into a practical material.


  1. Fog linen works

  2. 佐治陶器株式会社 Sajitouki

  3. 白雪ふきん Shirayuki-fukin

  4. イデア IDEA

  5. 三彩 Sansai

  6. 石丸陶芸 shop mignon
